- Shipping method: We will deliver the goods to you via Viettel postage according to the address of the consignee you have registered when ordering.

- Delivery time:

For orders in TP. Ho Chi Minh City (applicable to urban districts), you will receive the product within 2 working days.

Other provinces, delivery time is from 3 to 5 working days depending on the form of savings or express delivery (depending on the requirements of customers registering by phone to confirm the order of Bike Life )

If the delivery time has been announced and you have not received the ordered product, please inform BikeLife at (0283) 54124217 or hotline 0938108401 for assistance.


Shipping charges will be according to the rates set by Viettel Post. Therefore, when confirming the order, BikeLife will specifically inform the fee you need to pay as well as the time of delivery.
For Ho Chi Minh City, BikeLife will free delivery for orders over 1,000,000 VND
For other provinces, Bike Life will reduce maximum shipping fee by 50,000 VND for orders over 2,000,000 VND

VIETTEL POST OFFICE PRICE: details refer here